RRB NTPC 2025 Mock Test Set-02: The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC exam is one of the most competitive exams for individuals aspiring to work with Indian Railways. Set-02 of our mock tests for the 2024 RRB NTPC CBT (Computer Based Test) Exam is designed to give candidates a comprehensive practice session, ensuring they are well-prepared for the actual exam. This set includes a variety of free Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) that cover key topics such as General Awareness, Mathematics, and General Intelligence & Reasoning, mirroring the pattern and difficulty level of the RRB NTPC CBT.
These MCQs aim to enhance the speed and accuracy of candidates while reinforcing the concepts needed to succeed in the exam. Answer keys for all questions are provided to help candidates assess their performance and understand where they need to improve.
RRB NTPC 2025 Mock Test Set-02 for CBT Exa m Free MCQs Now
These MCQs aim to enhance the speed and accuracy of candidates while reinforcing the concepts needed to succeed in the exam. Answer keys for all questions are provided to help candidates assess their performance and understand where they need to improve.
RRB NTPC 2025 Mock Test Set-02 for CBT Exa m Free MCQs Now
1.A certain sum was invested at the rate of 10% for a period of 2 years at compound interest and compounded annually. The same sum was invested for the same period and same rate of interest at simple interest. If the difference of compound interest and simple interest was Rs. 200, find the sum.
1. Rs. 30,000
2. Rs. 25,000
3. Rs. 22,000
4. Rs. 20,000
2.Eight friends Katrina, Kareena, Madhuri, Juhi, Rani, Aish, Preeti, and Kajol sit in a row facing north. Kareena and Kajol sit at the either end of the rows not necessarily in the same order. Aish sits exactly in between Juhi and Madhuri. Only two friends sit to the left of Aish. Rani sits to the immediate right of Preeti. Only one person sits to the right of Katrina. Who sits fifth from the left?
1. Rani
2. Madhuri
3. Preeti
4. Juhi
3.If cos 0 – sin 0 = 0, then (sinº 0 + cos80) is:
1. 1/8
2. 1/4
3. 1/6
4. 1/2
4.In the questions below, is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the assumptions and decide which of the assumption(s) is/are implicit in the statement.
Statement Unable to manage with the present salary, Tarun joined another company.
I. The new company has better work environment.
II. The present company offers moderate pay.
III. The new company offers higher salary to the all its employees.
1. All are implicit
2. None is implicit
3. Only II is implicit
4. II and III are implicit
5.The feature of Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution is borrowed from the Constitution of________.
1. Australia
2. Britain
3. Ireland
4. United States of America
6.Twinkling of stars in clear sky during nighttime can be explained with
1. refraction of light
2. reflection of light
3. polarization of light
4. interference of light
7.A small cone of base area 4 cm² and volume of 12 cm³ is cut from the top of a large cone of base area 16 cm² and volume of 96π cm³. Find the height of the remaining solid figure.
1. 2 cm
2. 4 cm
3. 9 cm
4. 8 cm
8.If BATTER is coded as TERTAB and GOTHAM is coded as HAMTOG, what would ICEMAN be coded as?
9.The sum of 1-1+1-1+1-1… to even number of terms is _________.
1. zero
2. -1
3. +1
4. 2
10.Vishal borrows Rs. 2500 from Shashank at 4% per annum simple interest and lends it to Abhishek at a compounded interest of 8% per annum If Vishal collects the money back from Abhishek after 2 years and repays Shashank the profit made by Vishal in the transaction is-
1. 216
2. 218
3. 212
4. 220
11.Direction: In the question given below, one statement is followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions if any follow from the given statements?
Statement: Uneducated people are exploited by others in society.
I. People take advantage of uneducated people only.
II. Educated people exploit uneducated persons in society.
1. Only Conclusion I follows
2. Only Conclusion II follows
3. Both Conclusion I and II follow
4. Neither Conclusion I nor II follows
12.What is the literacy rate of India according to the final data obtained from the census of 2011?
1. 85.6%
2. 80.9%
3. 64.6%
4. 74.04%
13.Which among the following pairs of ‘animal – phylum of animal kingdom they belong’ is incorrect?
1. Liver fluke – Nematoda
2. Sycon – Porifera
3. Prawns – Arthropoda
4. Starfish – Echinodermata
14.If a/3 =b/4 =c/7, then a+b+c/c is equal to
1. 7
2. 2
3. 1/2
4. 1/7
15.Choose the alternative which best applies to the given statements and conclusion.
Until our country achieves economic equality and political freedom, democracy would be meaningless.
I. Political freedom and democracy go hand in hand.
II. Economic equality and political freedom are related to each other.
1. If only I follows
2. If only II follows
3. If neither I nor II follows
4. If both I and II follow
Answers to the RRB NTPC 2025 Mock Test Set-01 for CBT Exam Free MCQs
- 4
- 3
- 1
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 1
- 4
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 2