RRB NTPC 2025 Mock Test Set-01: The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC exam is one of the most competitive exams for individuals aspiring to work with Indian Railways. Set-01of our mock tests for the 2024 RRB NTPC CBT (Computer Based Test) Exam is designed to give candidates a comprehensive practice session, ensuring they are well-prepared for the actual exam. This set includes a variety of free Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) that cover key topics such as General Awareness, Mathematics, and General Intelligence & Reasoning, mirroring the pattern and difficulty level of the RRB NTPC CBT.
These MCQs aim to enhance the speed and accuracy of candidates while reinforcing the concepts needed to succeed in the exam. Answer keys for all questions are provided to help candidates assess their performance and understand where they need to improve.
RRB NTPC 2025 Mock Test Set-01 for CBT Exa m Free MCQs Now
1.Name the holy city recognized as the birthplace of the first and fourth Jain Tirthankaras.
1. Gaya
2. Varanasi
3. Ayodhya
4. Dwaraka
2.Find the value of 3 ki power -5 x 4 ki power -5 x 5 ki power -5.
1. 1/30 ki power 5
2. 1/40 ki power 5
3. 1/60 ki power 5
4. 1/50 ki power 5
3.A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
4.Who among the following is the person whose name was also ‘Devanampiya Piyadassi’?
1. Mauryan Emperor Chandragupta
2. Mauryan Emperor Ashoka
3. Gautam Buddha
4. Lord Mahavir
5.The longest cell in the human body is
1. nerve cell
2. muscle cell
3. liver cell
4. kidney cell
6.A Bag contains 7 red, 8 white and 9 black balls. Four balls are drawn out at random. Find the probability that none of the balls drawn is white.
1. 130/759
2. 237/771
3. 110/759
4. 37/759
7.What day of the week will be on 1st January 2033?
1. Saturday
2. Monday
3. Sunday
4. Tuesday
8.Which of the following important rivers of India does not originate from the Western Ghats?
1. Cauvery
2. Mahanadi
3. Godavari
4. Krishna
9.Which country will host the COP29 summit, 2024?
1. Brazil
2. Azerbaijan
3. Denmark
4. Portugal
10.If 7x + 14 = 56, then find the value of 80x + 30.
1. 510
2. 480
3. 6
4. 450
11.Original text of the Indian Constitution contained articles.
1. 376
2. 395
3. 386
4. 440
12.Which of the following is not a form of Calcium Carbonate?
1. Limestone
2. Chalk
3. Marble
4. Quick lime
13.A shopkeeper marks his goods at 90% more than their cost price and allows a discount of 40% on the marked price. His gain percentage is:
1. 18%
2. 16%
3. 14%
4. 12%
14.DGJH is related to LORP in a certain way based on the English alphabetical order. In the same way, JMPN is related to RUXV. To which of the following is ILOM related to, following the same logic?
15.Which of the books written by the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, discussed the importance of self-reliance of the rural economy?
1. Harijan
2. Navjeevan
3. Hind Swaraj
4. None of the above
Answers to the RRB NTPC 2025 Mock Test Set-01 for CBT Exam Free MCQs
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